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Wrocław 70/20


30.04.2020/g: 22:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Living Monument ARENA / painting a tree

Living Monument ARENA – action in urban space\ painting a tree – outdoor sculpture by Jerzy Bereś\ Wrocław, Piasek Island \ organiser: Entropia Gallery\ cooperation: Maria Pinińska-Bereś and Jerzy Bereś Foundation
09.05.2020/g: 00:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Opening of the Symposium 70/20 year

50th anniversary of the event held in Wrocław is an opportunity to see it from a different perspective – to look more closely at its legacy, get inspired by its past… and build a new one. Wrocław 70/20 Symposium is a grassroots and social initiative created by a local artistic group – diversed team of curators, critics, artists, educators, academics, animators, activists, and cultural managers. They represent various forms of activity, collaborating with museums, galleries, and cultural institutions of an established reputation, as well as recently founded NGOs or independent artistic groups.
09.05.2020/g: 12:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Edyton #70/20

A special EDYTON – marathon of creating and editing entries on Wikipedia, organized by Kolektyw Kariatyda, Wrocław Contemporary Museum and the Wrocław 70/20 Symposium. The event was organized as part of the Symposium 70/20 Opening of the Year Events, and the leitmotif of edyton was the legendary Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium.
22.05 - 19.06.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Zbigniew Makarewicz | Nonsens & Sens

Exhibition titled NONSENS & SENS is a collection of ready-made things taken straight from the rubble of civilization processes. The subtitle: "Collections and subsets, compatible and incompatible" is an auxiliary description of what has been built, but it is not an explanation of how the work was built.
12.06.2020/g: 16:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Edyton #8: Sympozjastki

A special EDYTON – marathon of creating and editing entries on Wikipedia, organized by Kolektyw Kariatyda, Wrocław Contemporary Museum and the Wrocław 70/20 Symposium. The event was dedicated to women who were part of the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium.
13.06 - 28.06.2020 [Education]

Breakfasts with Symposium

"Breakfasts with Symposium" are two realizations of eating meals together at the weekend, inspired by artistic works, which in 1970 were to fill various spaces in Wrocław - downtown courtyards or squares, inter-block green spaces or tubercles, various riverside areas and a river.
15.06 - 30.06.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

34/5000 Paths for interpretation - exhibition

Paths to Interpretation is a project of the Art Transparent Foundation as part of a number of initiatives carried out by Wrocław cultural institutions and organizations in connection with the 50th anniversary of the famous Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium in 2020.
16.06 - 15.07.2020 [Archives and research]

Call for papers - Konferencja ¿ Czy badania artystyczne ?

Zagadnienie „badań” w praktyce artystycznej stanowi jeden z niezwykle ważnych kierunków rozwoju najnowszej sztuki. Artistic research, sytuujący się na przecięciu twórczości, wiedzy i nauki, jest jednym z problemów dogłębnie dyskutowanych na Zachodzie od ponad 20 lat, a od 2015 r. fiński Research Pavilion towarzyszy kolejnym edycjom Międzynarodowej Wystawy Sztuki w Wenecji. Pomimo pojawienia się pierwszych przejawów zainteresowania tym zagadnieniem ze strony polskich artystów i teoretyków sztuki w ostatniej dekadzie, wydaje się, że temat ten nie został jednak wyczerpująco zbadany ani trwale osadzony w rodzimych dyskursach akademickich.
30.06 - 28.07.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Entropolux | Jerzy Kosałka, Tomasz Opania

ENTROPOLUX is a comprehensive facility referring to the project created at the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium by Zbigniew Dłubak, Natalia Lach-Lachowicz and Andrzej Lachowicz, recreated by artists - Jerzy Kosałka and Tomasz Opania.
09.07.2020/g: 18:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Legumina Second Life

Commemorating the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium, the JEST group together with the invited artist – Kinga Bartniak – is carrying out a project focusing on contemporary times and its problems. During the Second Life Legumina, logged in people will create anonymous character cards and will be taken as part of a invited dinner, during which a divine dessert will be served.
17.07 - 27.09.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Barbara Kozłowska. You can see it all anywhere

Barbara Kozłowska's exhibition - participant of the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium, who from the beginning of the 1960s was an active co-creator of the Wrocław avant-garde scene.
17.07 - 18.08.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Magdalena Sadłowska / “New patterns” / Krupa Gallery Summer Stage

Not many material objects were created as a result of the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium – a few scale models, designs of sculptures, urban planning solutions, a catalogue and black-and-white photographs of the exhibition by Tadeusz Rolke. Magdalena Sadłowska is interested in this subtle choreography that takes place in the exhibition space. She observes small, barely perceptible yet repetitive gestures. An exhibition of paintings by Magdalena Sadłowska, inspired by the world of the PRL.
31.07.2020/g: 18:00 [Realizations and interventions]


31.07.2020/g: 18:06 [Realizations and interventions]


08.08 - 29.08.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

ZŁOTY KIOSK / Liliana Piskorska „Sosna z sześcioma rękami”

Kolejna, VIII odsłona ZŁOTEGO KIOSKU to opowieść Liliany Piskorskiej o opowieść o pięknym mieście Breslau, płonących książkach i fałszywej narzeczonej. Zainaugurowana zostanie 8 sierpnia przez performans na Wzgórzu Słowiańskim.
13.08 - 14.12.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

New Normativity. Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium

The exhibition entitled “New Normativity. Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium” is dedicated to one of the most important artistic events in Polish art history of the second half of the 20th century. The meeting of artists, critics and art theorists held in Wrocław 50 years ago under the name The Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium became a landmark event in many respects, which directed the various new ways of thinking about art in the 1960s towards a new quality.
23.08.2020/g: 15:00 [Education]

Curatorial tour of the „New Normativity” exhibition

The exhibition is an attempt at curatorial intervention in the history of the Symposium, situated within a field of research and presentations conducted by Wrocław Contemporary Museum regarding the heritage of neo-avant-garde thought. The meeting was hosted by the exhibition curator Piotr Lisowski.
27.08.2020/g: 18:00 [Education]


29.08 - 05.09.2020 [Education]


30.08.2020/g: 10:30 [Education]


01.09 - 27.09.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Canti Spazializzati x Radio Żyjnia #1: Głuszek/Kujawski/Śniady

Canti Illuminati wspólnie z galerią Dizajn BWA Wrocław, w przestrzeni miejskiego społecznego zdroju, zapraszają na program akuzmatycznych projekcji dźwiękowych pod nazwą Radio Żyjnia. W wybranych utworach poruszone zostaną zagadnienia: głębokiej adaptacji i praktyk artystycznych w dobie kryzysu klimatycznego. Część prezentowanych przez nas prac jest również próbą kreacji dźwiękowej opartej na wizji Neutrdromu Jerzego Rosołowicza.
03.09 - 05.09.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Comittee of the Flyers' Printing

Pop up exhibition by Marta Tomiak and Konrad Trzeszczkowski presenting the results of a monthly Zin residency concentrated in the trawl at the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium and the celebration of the Symposium Wroclaw 70/20.
05.09 - 03.10.2020 [Education]

The Invisible Manhattan. An alternative topography of the Plac Grunwaldzki housing estate

We invite you to participate in a series of walks, during which we will examine the architecture of the Plac Grunwaldzki housing estate, paying special attention to experiences that appear to have no significance. Blind and visually impaired people are particularly welcome to take part in the workshops. Your perspective is crucial here!
11.09.2020/g: 18:30 [Realizations and interventions]


13.09.2020/g: 16:00 [Education]


17.09.2020/g: 18:00 [Realizations and interventions]

„Barbara Kozłowska”. Promocja katalogu

Katalog poświęcony Barbarze Kozłowskiej, wydany przez warszawską Fundację Arton i Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław jest pierwszą publikacją podsumowującą całokształt twórczości artystki.
19.09 - 24.10.2020 [Education]

Miejskie oprowadzania Sympozjum Wrocław 70/20

W ramach cyklu trzech miejskich oprowadzań "Rama do wypełnienia", przywołamy historyczny i społeczny kontekst powstania powojennej architektury Wrocławia – ramy dla sympozjalnych projektów.
23.09.2020/g: 13:00 [Education]

"Baby Art Walk" Sympozjum 70/20 – Popowice

Sympozjum Wrocław 70/20 wraz z Fundacją Art Transparent oraz Fundacją Ładne Historie zapraszają na sympozjalny spacer BAW, czyli oprowadzanie po osiedlu Wrocław Popowice i piknik przy "Samotności" Barbary Kozłowskiej.
24.09.2020/g: 18:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Sympozjum Plastyczne Wrocław '70. Doświadczenie, mit, recepcja

Dyskusja będzie międzypokoleniową wymianą poglądów i perspektyw widzenia organizatorów i uczestników Sympozjum (prof. Zbigniew Makarewicz, prof. Jarosław Kozłowski), historyczki i historyka sztuki (prof. Luiza Nader, dr Paweł Polit) oraz wrocławskiego twórcy i aktywisty, jednego z inicjatorów obchodów rocznicy Sympozjum (Kuba Żary).
26.09 - 17.10.2020 [Education]


16.10 - 08.11.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Canti Spazializzati x Radio Żyjnia #2: Piotr Bednarczyk / Michał J. Biel / Aleksandra Słyż / Krzysztof Knittel / Beniamin Głuszek

Druga odsłona programu akuzmatycznych projekcji dźwiękowych pod nazwą Radio Żyjnia przygotowanych przez Canti Spazializzati we współpracy z galerią Dizajn BWA Wrocław. W wybranych utworach poruszone zostaną zagadnienia: głębokiej adaptacji i praktyk artystycznych w dobie kryzysu klimatycznego. Część prezentowanych przez nas prac jest również próbą kreacji dźwiękowej opartej na wizji Neutrdromu Jerzego Rosołowicza.
22.10 - 23.10.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

The conference "Czy badania artystyczne?"

The conference "Czy badania artystyczne?" is a three-day research and artistic online event, which aims to revive and develop the discussion around the issue of artistic research practices in Poland. The event is part of the initiative of the Symposium Wroclaw 70/20, a consortium of projects critically commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Symposium Wroclaw 70, and is organized by the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.
22.10 - 11.12.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

ZŁOTY KIOSK / Daniel Kotowski "Pomnik ofiar biowładzy"

“Pomnik ofiar biowładzy” to mobilny i uniwersalny obiekt upamiętniający zapomniane, a niejednokrotnie także niewidzialne osoby, które doświadczyły przemocy w znormalizowanym społeczeństwie. Realizacja Kotowskiego odwołuje się do planowanych realizacji pomnikowych, których koncepcje powstały w kontekście Sympozjum Plastycznego Wrocław ‘70.
29.10 - 14.12.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Overinterpretations: Matěj Frank

By contaminating Zbigniew Gostomski’s "It Begins in Wrocław"and John Cage’s "49 Waltzes for the Five Boroughs", Matěj Frank created a new composition to be presented at Wrocław Contemporary Museum. The score of the composition will be drawn in the exhibition space, which will endow it with the character of an environment.
29.10.2020/g: 18:00 [Archives and research]

“I would not like anyone to convince us that…”* Lecture by Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz

Symposium appears to be a melting pot combining different visions of the social role of art and possibilities of its existence. The aim of this lecture is to set an interpretative perspective focusing on the relationship between politics and aesthetics while taking into account the socio-political context of the event. Online lecture.
31.10.2020/g: 10:00 [Education]

Wrocław 70/20 Symposium. Periodically in Barbara

"Wrocław 70/20 Symposium. Cyclically in Barbara ”is a series of three meetings, talks and workshops in Barbara in Wrocław, devoted to popularizing knowledge about the event among three groups of guests: children, adolescents and young adults.
13.11 - 26.02.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Paths to Interpretation. Supplement

On 13 November, the exhibition *Paths to Interpretation. Supplement* will be opened at the Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery. This is a continuation of the June presentation of photographs at Szewska Street, marking the year of the Wrocław ‘70 Visual Arts Symposium. Online event.
17.11 - 01.12.2020 [Realizations and interventions]

Canti Spazializzati x Radio Żyjnia #3: FOQL, Hołubowska, Lubieniecki

Radio Żyjnia is not only a formula for the sound space for the city sanatorium in the Dizajn BWA Wrocław gallery. Some of the works presented are also an attempt at creating a sound based on the vision of Jerzy Rosołowicz's "Neutrdrome".
19.11.2020/g: 18:00 [Education]

Jerzt Ludwiński’s Museum of Current Art as a phantom-institution.

The concept of the Museum of Current Art in Wrocław (MCA), formulated in the autumn of 1966 by Jerzy Ludwiński (1930–2000), an art historian, critic and graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin, functioned in Polish artistic life as a phantom-institution and model-institution, a prototype. Lecture by Magdalena Ziółkowska.
28.11.2020/g: 15:00 [Education]

The right to vote, the space dor resonance and symposium micro-narratives. Practical seminar

During the practical seminar, we will look at selected theoretical and methodological aspects of oral history in the context of art history, including the feminist and post-dependent perspectives. Based on the proposed reading and the experience of working on the artistic and research project of collecting stories about the Wrocław ’70 Visual Arts Symposium.
06.12.2020/g: 16:00 [Education]

Wrocław 70/20/70. Urban planning. Lecture by Izabela Mironowicz

Duing the lecture we will look at the Symposium through the eyes of Izabela Mironowicz– a practicing urban planner and specialist in the field of planning systems, who focuses on the functioning, transformation and future of cities, with particular emphasis on European cities and Daria Kieżun – president of the Wrocław Branch of the Association of Polish Architects.
13.12.2020/g: 17:00 [Realizations and interventions]

Overinterpretations: ETC Group [web series]

In autumn 2019, at the invitation of Wrocław Contemporary Museum, the ETC Group undertook to interpret the *Concerto for 28 Pillows and the Sunset* to mark the 50th anniversary of the Wrocław ‘70 Symposium. However, the year 2020 brought an unexpected twist, which forced ETC to radically revise their plans… Ultimately, they created an Internet series about trying to perform impossible music – a four-part story about struggling with Fate, conceptualism and the textual score.
17.12 - 30.12.2020 [Realizations and interventions]


Sorry, only in Polish!
14.01 - 28.02.2021 [Realizations and interventions]

Machine of time. Tomasz Domański

A "Machine of time" - city sculpture by Tomasz Domański will be built at the Wrocław Contemporary Museum. It is a monumental structure made of metal, ice and stone, in which the elements are transformed in front of the audience.The installation was created as part of the "Monuments of Time" series continued by Tomasz Domański for over 20 years.
17.03.2021/g: 10:00 [Realizations and interventions]

The end of the year of Symposium Wrocław 70/20

The final of the several-month-long celebrations of the Symposium Wrocław 70/20, which will take place on March 17 - on the 51st anniversary of the opening of the post-symposium exhibition at the Museum of Architecture and Reconstruction. The end of the year will be an opportunity to both summarize the artistic and research achievements of the event and to see how the working group responsible for it operated behind the scenes.
17.03 - 31.05.2021 [Realizations and interventions]

Exercises on Imagination | Kasia Kmita

“Exercises on Imagination” is a reinterpretation of the “legendary” and “fantastically incredible” feature inscribed in the memory of the Wroclaw ‘70 Art Symposium. Starting from source and archival materials and documentation, it is supposed to exceed its content and expand the existing narrative. The project will be presented in chapters.

The Symposium Program Wroclaw 70/20 is co-created by:

Graphic design: Marian Misiak /
Website programming: Konrad Kruk
The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund, obtained from subsidies established in games covered by the state monopoly, in accordance with Article 80 (1) of the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling.
Symposium Wrocław 70/20 is co-financed by the Municipality of Wrocław.
The website administrator and operator of "Symposium 70/20" project co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage is Strefa Kultury Wrocław.
Strefa Kultury Wrocław
ul. Świdnicka 8B
50-067 Wrocław
NIP: 899-273-65-81
tel. +48 (71) 712-75-75